Tuesday, May 15, 2012

School based rant.

Some days I just want to grab almost every teacher I have met and shake them while asking them why they got into teaching in the first place. I honestly don't understand some of them.

Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself, let me back up a bit.......

So my issues with schools stem from changes made to scheduling in schools since I was a kid and teachers unions. If you are a teacher or know one who'd like to speak in response, feel free to direct them to the comment section, I'm always an open ear, this is just from what I've seen and experienced. 

So back to the teacher shaking. I've met some amazing teachers since my boys started school and I've met some that I just don't think should ever have a licence. There are plenty in the mid range and I'm ok with that. My question to all who aren't amazing, why did you start teaching?

Was it the summers off? The pay? (which I realize isn't great, but it's better than fast food.....) or the Kids? Because if it's the latter then how in the world can you sit there and tell me that the "Union" won't let you go out on the playground with your class in the morning/after lunch during recess? How can you stand by knowing that if it's raining, kids who aren't dropped off right when the bell rings for class to start - or in my boys case, waited with until teachers come to the room with the rest of the class- get yelled at for the entirety of their time spent indoors waiting to get to go to class?

How is it that 1 1/2 people are in charge of an entire grades worth of kids on a playground for the total 15 min scheduled during the school day they have to play outside? I say 1 1/2 because there are two aids who watch the kids on the playground after lunches. After lunch recess is 30 min long. Maybe 20 of that is the time the kids have to be actually active. The other 15 are counted in the time it takes them to get outside to the playground and then the time it takes them to line back up and go back into school. One aid goes to get the grade coming out of the cafeteria, while the other lines up the kids who are on the playground. Then it switches, the first aid watches the kids while the other walks the kids across to the front of the school where their teachers are waiting.

Teachers no longer eat lunch and then join their kids outdoors. These two aids are not involved in anything the kids do outdoors other than to be there in case someone has an accident or starts a knock down drag out fight. Nothing more. I've seen them sit on their butts on the playground and miss so many smaller altercations that are considered bullying when I've been there. If this school was around the corner from my house, I'd be there every day for the entire time that my kids were on the playground as a volunteer, but we live 15 min away if there's no traffic.

Don't get me wrong, I know that teachers have to put up with a lot these days. We didn't actually get paddled in school when I was in Elem. but we had the fear of it. These days kids don't because they know the staff isn't able to do much. I know that unions keep people from being overworked. I understand all that. But seriously? Teachers get to walk in between 7:15 and 7:35 to start their day, they also get to leave before 4pm on average. They do not work summers even if their "School year" is a smidge longer than the kids is because of meetings and planning. They get an hour off for lunch. The kids get 30 min for lunch, 30 min for playground (which is bull because as I've said lining up and getting places takes a chunk out of this time.) They have 15 min to eat, and 15 min to play on average. No talking while eating or sitting with friends anymore at lunch either. It gets "too loud."

So your telling me that you who supposedly took this job for the kids won't volunteer some time once a week even to go out on the playground and at the very least observe your class while they play? How do you expect to deal with bullying and issues that arise? If you don't see it, your best bet is going on the word of who ever squalls the loudest after recess and/or the aid who wasn't actually watching anyway. Your telling me that walking out to the playground for the last 15 min of your lunch break to observe your kids playing and then being there when it's time to line back up is too much to ask?

While we are on the subject of too much to ask, I realize that the aids are getting paid just barely over what fast food folks are making, but is really necessary for the kids to spend their rainy mornings getting yelled at? Why is it that we know they need time to run off energy outdoors, but bring them in because they can't play outside today and they must all sit in lines quiet and still as statues. Yes an entire schools worth of kids in one gymnasium over a period of 45 min could get really loud if you let them all talk, but barking orders at them and saying they can't even whisper? Why not let those who have books to read, homework to finish up, or just want to sit quietly sit in the bleachers while you (the aids, or the fitness related teachers who are there at that time of day already anyway....) have the rest do morning exercises? You could even use that beloved bullhorn that no one needs. Jumping jacks, running in place, simple things that you could have them line up for and keep them active. Not only would they burn off the energy you are so busy yelling at them for, they wouldn't start their school day pent up and aggravated which would translate into a better school day in the long run. Oh wait, because that would require work and actually dealing with the kids you so didn't sign up to do this job for.

I take my kids to school in the mornings so they don't have to ride on a bus for an hour in their stupor of sleep. When it rains, I stay in the hallways with them (and snag any of their friends I can get away with keeping with me without a teacher shooing them to the gym) until their teachers come back with their class. I show up at random for lunch because I know of a bully in one of my kiddos class who despite our tries of niceness and standing up for our friends, he continues unchecked. (nothing physical from him of course, so the staff doesn't really monitor it unless I bring it up again....) I am there for every field trip and event I can be and will continue to do so even after the baby gets here. And guess what teachers....it's not just my kids I'm watching. It's some of yours too, yes those of you who have kids in my kids grade as well as all their friends who run up and hug me or tell me things. Did I mention I don't get paid for this? That I don't give a rats that I spent extra money or time out of my day to do so?

So when I say I want to shake a teacher...it's not just the teachers. It's the school staff and everyone associated. Union leaders and all. I don't expect them to donate their every waking moment or to be chipper every single minute of the day, but would it kill them to remember why they got into those jobs in the first place?

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