The first bit of this pregnancy was all about being sick....not the pretty glowing pregnant momma I was with my first two, I'm crossing my fingers this means it's a girl. Not that I would mind another boy, just that shoot there are some cute girl things out there and I want to use my sewing machine for more than robots and hats.
Yes I know I could make amazing button up shirts and adorable pj's for my boys, but they tend to run around in their undies unless I demand they put on
I want to make dresses. Tiny funky colored dresses with matching headbands. I want to make dolls without having to feel as though I should ship them off to other peoples kids because it's a little creepy to make dolls for yourself when your nearing 30.
I don't remember being quite so easily grouchy with the last two either, though I'm sure Hubb would dispute that fact wholeheartedly.
One great thing about being pregnant right now is ....Valentines Day is coming up soon, which means another glut of chocolate in the stores/house and I'm not on a diet.